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Alpdest is dedicated to preserving and protecting our environment and we have been investing in research and product testing to meet with our, and our clients’ demands to ensure that moving forward our actions are reducing our impact on the planet.

Canvas Materials

 100% PVC-free

Locally sourced to reduce transport emissions

Free from heavy metals, phthalates, plasticizers and isocyanate-containing compounds

Ultralight material that meets all regulations regarding flammability

Verschneite Berge
Working together

OOH media campaigns are a joint partnership between Alpdest, the client and the tourist region. A large part of revenue generated by advertising campaigns goes to the region where the campaigns are posted.


This extra revenue stream helps fund development in their infrastructure, transport networks and sustainable projects. The benefits of advertising in the region helps to ensure that their future is also guaranteed.

A better future 

Brands that are perceived to have a highly positive impact on society have two and a half times greater brand value. More and more clients demand can now be achieved by using the latest printing techniques and materials that are available to us.


We are continuing to test new materials and are confident that in the near future we will see even more inventive, sustainable methods of producing advertising campaigns for our clients.

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